On December 19, students enjoyed the seventh annual School House Mania that is organized by RUSMP and the Rice Ahtletics Department. Not only did the students cheer on an Owl victory in the men's basketball game, but they also participated in mathematics and science activities. Dr. Anne Papakonstantinou led a visual tour of Rice University where students identified geometry on the slides. Carolyn L White introduced "Sammy Says," a version of "Simon Says" that incorporates computation and geometry. A couple other fun activities for the students included "Guess My Number" and "Transformation Shuffle!"
School House Mania is part of RUSMP's mission to impact PreK-12 education and supoort precollege institutions across the state. To learn more about this event, head to this Village News Article (pages 3 and 9): https://edition.pagesuite.com/html5/reader/production/default.aspx?pubname=&pubid=833555a5-ac94-4b0b-9a4f-0e43e4cb75c0.