- Conduct qualitative (e.g., observations, focus groups, case studies), and quantitative (e.g., survey, quasi-experimental, experimental) research on various aspects of RUSMP programs to cultivate quality mathematics classroom instruction.
- Identify empirical research to refine RUSMP’s professional development practices, and, conversely, observe enacted practices to advance RUSMP’s research agenda.
- Contribute to the existing body of education research by expanding theories of teacher effectiveness, student motivation, and the role of mathematics in STEM education.
- Produce research that supports K-12 mathematics classroom instruction that promotes students’ interest, enjoyment, and motivation for mathematics.
- Evaluate RUSMP’s programs.
- Conduct program evaluations for partner schools and school districts.
- Generate grant funds to enhance mathematics teaching and learning in urban school districts.
- Report and disseminate research findings related to mathematics education and teacher education through peer-reviewed academic journal publications and conference presentations/proceedings, in addition to RUSMP’s website, professional meetings, courses, and workshops.
The overall purpose is to facilitate a reciprocal triadic relationship among RUSMP practitioners, RUSMP researchers, and the education community at large to create a synergistic, productive environment that will strengthen both research and practice.
*Education Community includes the following constituents: school administrators, school faculty, students, education researchers, university faculty, policy-makers, and funders.