Our Director of Research and Evaluation, Adem Ekmekci, represented Rice at the 2024 Annual Meeting of American Educational Research Association ( AERA) conference in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania on April 11-14.
The conference showcased the work of the Rice University Robert Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship Program (NSF Grant No. 1556006) and the Rice University Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program (NSF Grant No. 1950019): Collaborative Research: Exploring the Impact of Noyce Master Teaching Fellowship Programs on Teacher Retention: The Role of Motivation, Leadership, and School-Work Environment.
Adem presented three papers titled "Mathematics teacher leadership development in high-need urban schools", "How do mathematics teachers describe teacher leadership and teacher leaders' responsibilities?", and "Instruments for professional development and program evaluation measuring teachers' motivational and behavioral traits".
The second paper was presented in the same session as Rochelle Gutierrez, a renowned mathematics education professor, presented.