New Logo Foundation Workshops



Turtle as Mathematician

The Logo Foundation's first workshop, Turtle as Mathematician, will continue their exploration of Turtle Geometry that began in their December and January workshops. This time they will be focusing on its education and mathematical basis.

The Turtle as Mathematician workshop will be held on Saturday March 20 from 10:00 am to noon (EDT). It will be a virtual hands-on workshop led by Cynthia Solomon, Michael Tempel, Artemis Papert, and Brian Silverman.

Programming the Finch 2 Robot

The second workshop will be Programming the Finch 2 Robot. The Finch 2 robot has motors, lights, and makes sounds. It has a collection of built-in sensors that allows it to interact with and navigate through its environment. It can be programmed using various languages so it is suitable for students from Pre-K through college.

If you do not have a Finch robot, the Logo Foundation can accommodate you. During the workshop there will be Finches set up in the BirdBrain Technologies studio in Pittsburgh where you will be able to program them remotely from home. Also, you will be able to borrow a Finch robot on a free 60-day loan to use at home during the workshop and afterwards. If you choose this option, in order to allow time for shipping, you will need to register by March 10 to ensure that it will arrive in time for the workshop.

The Programming the Finch 2 Robot will happen on Saturday April 10 from 10:00 am to noon (EDT). It will be a virtual hands-on workshop led by Tom Lauwers.

2021 Logo Summer Institute

Finally, the 2021 Logo Summer Institute will be held from July 26 to August 6, 2021. Last summer, the Logo Foundation was able to transition to an online format, so they are confident that they will be able to do so this year as well and improve on last year's experience.

Read more about the Logo Foundation and each of the workshops here.