Solar System Class for Teachers This Fall


Solar System

Professor Patricia H. Reiff is offering a class on solar systems this fall. 80% of the course will focus on content, and 20% will focus on skills. Calculus will not be required for this course, but the course will introduce and use powers, exponentials, logarithms, and simple trigonometry. This year will have a special emphasis on the solar eclipses visible in Texas in 2023 and 2024.

The course will be held on Monday evenings from 6 to 9 pm starting on August 23. A remote option will be available.

The course will also be available to pre-service undergraduates, and Professor Reiff will be happy to authorize level overrides. The course is level 500 because of the MST program, but it is easily accessible to undergraduates and upper-level elementary teachers.

Read more about the course here. Read more about Professor Reiff's website here.