This WRNN project integrates the efforts of 13 institutions across a 14-state region of the western United States. The collaborating institutions are: the University of Oregon (lead) and, alphabetically, California Polytechnic State University, California State University, Fresno, California State University, Northridge, California State University, Sacramento, Pacific University, Planetary Science Institute, Rice University, San Diego State University, San Francisco State University, University of Portland, University of Texas at Arlington, University of Wyoming. It is designed to expand involvement by Noyce projects and their Scholars and Fellows, promote professional networking, foster exchange of ideas among Noyce recipients and program leaders, and facilitate professional development.
The WRNN expects to serve approximately 900 participants over three annual conferences, to engage 450 participants in aggregate in professional development opportunities, to support another 665 participants in regional networking events, and the online learning community will be open to thousands.
To read more here.