Upcoming Grant Opportunities for Teachers

Upcoming Grant Opportunities for Teachers

Check out the following upccoming grant opportunities for teachers. Many of these grants are great ways to fund participation in professional development program such as those offered by RUSMP. Please feel free to contact us for any information you need in preparing your grant applications.

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
Deadline: varies
NCTM offers many grants for teachers at all levels that support professional development, action research, and classroom material development. Deadlines vary according to grant program.

Fund for Teachers
Deadline: January 31
Fund for Teachers strengthens instruction by investing in outstanding teachers' self-determined professional growth and development in order to support student success, enrich their own practice, and strengthen their schools and communities.

Library of Congress Summer Teaching Institutes
Deadline: March 13
The Library of Congress hosts week-long programs for educators to explore using primary sources in their instruction.

IREX Teachers for Global Classrooms Program
Deadline: March 20
IREX partners with the US Department of State to help teachers become global ambassadors. This program is a year-long professional development opportunity for teachers in US elementary, middle, and high schools.

McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation Teacher Development and Academic Enrichment Grants
Deadline: April 15 (or until 350 applications received)
The McCarthey Dressman Education Foundation offers grants of up to $10,000 per year for classroom projects and professional development.

Voya Unsung Heroes
Deadline: April 30
The Voya Unsung Heroes Awards Program provides 100 grants for innovative education programs and class projects each year.

NEA Foundation’s Grants to Educators
Deadline: June 1
Don’t forget that the NEA Foundation also offers Student Achievement and Learning & Leadership $2,00 and $5,000 grants to educators three times a year – the next deadline is June.